Everett Piano Co. 36" Spinet Piano.
Everett Spinet Piano Mfg Yr 1956 w/bench s/n 107792
Built in Boston, this small piano came through its 60+ years in need of some repair. In our workshop, it was given a cleaning and reconditioning to its case.
The ribs on the soundboard were tightened. The keys were repaired and leveled. The action cleaned, repaired and regulated. Tuned to a stable A440 pitch.
Now it needs a home where it will be played and enjoyed!
FREE delivery within Albuquerque. Stairs and mileage outside Albuquerque extra.
Piano be be seen and played at Past, Present and in-Between 5017 Lomas Blvd NE, Monday-Sunday.
Call 505-873-0762 for more info.
$650.00 OBO